Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Options

Option A: Go to the Warriors game to see the Thunder. I was looking on Craigslist the last couple of days for some good tickets. Usually Jill and I sit in the upper level. We've become very familiar with the concrete wall behind us to say the least. I could've had 6th row seats for $80! I could see my second favorite team in person while getting a couple of autographs as well, but then again I wouldn't be able to watch the final round of The Masters and would miss the Giants game.

Option B: Go to both the Giants and Warriors games. The Giants are rolling out of the gates and have a good shot to win the series against the Braves with Lincecum on the mound. Jill and I could then head over to Oracle after the Giants game and make it in time for tip-off. However, I wouldn't be able to get autographs and I still wouldn't be able to watch the last round of The Masters.

Option C: Scrap the first two options. Save the money it would've cost for gas, food, and tickets and sit on the couch and watch all three sporting events. Because I'm typing this as Mickelson is teeing off, you guys can probably figure out which option I picked.